Het KNOB nodigt u uit voor de lezing Absolutely Fabulous! Optimistic Designs for New Societies (1945-1985)
“After World War II, there was an urge for optimistic designs. After a long dark period of economic decline and misery, from the stock exchange crash of 1929 to 1945, society needed to be rebuilt and, above all, improved. Architects, urban planners and landscape architects enjoyed playing a major role in this. They wholesaled in optimistic designs that bear witness to a great belief in makeable societies, whether plans for new housing estates in Capelle aan den IJssel, futuristic polyester architecture or university campuses in Twente, Turkey, Mexico and Africa are concerned. These often happy and not infrequently outrageous designs are the focus of this seminar on the years 1945-1985: Absolutely fabulous!”
Tijd: Donderdag 25 Januari 2024 13.30 – 18.00
Plaats: Berlage Halls, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Julianalaan 134
De lezing wordt gegeven in het Engels, de deelname is gratis, Graag van te voren aanmelden
Meer info op de site van knob.nl
Foto: Kor Aldershoff, Shelter, 1970s (Roos Aldershoff)